The Sensory Revolution
Dear sensory parent, Does your child have difficulty with social skills, noise sensitivities, toileting, showering, wearing certain textured clothes, showering, brushing teeth or playing with peers? Does this sound all too familiar? Are you ready for a course to guide your understanding of this condition from the inside out and have the sensory strategies to effectively start in your home today!!
How would you like a complete and definitive course that walks you through the underlying reasons causing your child’s sensory processing dysfunction.
You the sensory caregiver or parent will now have the tools and the knowledge in your hands to understand your child better and to know why some things maybe uncomfortable or distressing for your child that other child may not pay attention to at all. You will be better prepared to manage anxiety provoking situations for your child and also be equipped with the knowledge to help others understand the needs of your child better.
Importantly, you can have the tools and strategies in designing successful days for your child to stay self-regulated.
Check out Healing Synergy LLC for more services and products